A blog about living life despite battling Cystic Fibrosis.

Keeping busy!

I cannot believe that it has been two months since I wrote a blog post. I have been keeping insanely busy with the holidays and fixing up my apartment. So I guess I’ll start with all of my fun projects that have been taking up all of my time and energy. The one that started it all was painting the walls of my apartment from all being a boring off-white color to all sorts of colors. I knew we had to do something because it was getting pretty dull having to look at the walls all the time for the last 4 years. We decided that since we were still going to be living in this apartment for another couple of years that we needed to spice it up or life at home was just going to get more and more dull. So I headed to the store and got some different colored paint and began painting. I got through the bathroom and the living room great, but then all of the painting really hit me. I had gotten the low-odor paint, even though it was a little more expensive, because I figured that would be better for my lungs. Well.. I can tell you it was better, but it was certainly not good. I was wiped out for a good month after that! I was so tired and worn out. So I have learned my lesson and am going to wait until it’s warm enough to open all the windows in the apartment and have full ventilation. Just because we can’t feel the effects of bad toxins in the air right away, does not mean that it is not gonna kick our butts later! On top of painting, I have also been cleaning up around the apartment. We don’t have a lot of storage and I have a lot of musical instruments and medicine, so I have been coming up with some creative ways to make our apartment look a little less crazy and a little more put together. We were able to put a few larger items that we don’t really use in my sister’s basement, which has helped immensely. Now it’s just a matter of reorganizing and condensing. I am so excited for all of my home projects to be finished and feel less cluttered. I am already in love with the work that I have already done. It’s been a good way to keep myself active without having to go out in the cold, too!

The other big time-suck lately has been the holidays. While the holidays are my favorite
time of year because everyone is so cheerful and File Jan 15, 1 12 37 PMyou get to spend a ton of time with family and friends, they are a lot of work and always freak me out. I decided to make a bunch of our Christmas presents. I didn’t realize how big of an endeavor I had embarked upon until it was the week before Christmas and I was working every day with zero presents finished. I  was making a TV stand for my boyfriend, salt scrubs for all of the girls in our families, and painting a coffee mug for my dad. I’m not sure how, but I somehow managed to finish all of the presents just in the nick of time. The biggest feat being the TV stand. Not only did I build it  from scratch, design and all, but I had to make it without my boyfriend suspecting a thing. Like I always say, “Things have a way of working themselves out”. This statement was true once again. At the beginning of the week it was looking like it was going to be impossible to finish it all in time, but I’m so glad I just kept my head up and worked hard. It’s amazing where a positive attitude can get you. Another reason the holidays are so stressful for me is because I always seem to get sick right around Christmas. Last year Christmas was barely even fun  because I was just waiting for the day to be over so that I could get admitted into the hospital the next morning. I am happy to report that I was able to stay healthy over the holidays. I’m thinking that not being in school has drastically helped me to stay healthy. I think the stress of the end of the semesters would always make me sick because now I realize that those two events would always line up, and now that I am out of school I was fine at that time of year. I am really proud of myself for getting through college, but I am so overjoyed that it is over!

With all of that activity, working two jobs, and keeping up with my health, I have barely had time to keep up with my blog and all of my other hobbies. While the last couple of months have been incredibly fulfilling, I am excited to get back to writing. Hope you guys haven’t missed me too much!


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