A blog about living life despite battling Cystic Fibrosis.

Staff Pick #2

Now that I am out of the hospital it is much harder to find time to write these posts, especially when I’m getting ready for vacation. WOOHOO!

Anyways, the second staff member at Froedtert Hospital that I would like to cover is Laura. She was my nurse for a few years and then got promoted (yay, Laura!). Luckily, this promotion meant that she still gets to stay on my floor and see me pretty much every day, just not take care of me. It was funny when Laura and I first met because we found out that we were from the same hometown. Then after some talking we discovered that I actually graduated high school with her little sister! So after that we had bonded. Laura is another one of those amazing nurses that would spend the little extra time she had hanging out with me and keeping me company, which I would like to remind you is what keeps us CF kids sane in these long hospital visits! She would come play MarioKart with me and chit chat about life and what was new with her and me. We also have this tradition that I paint her nails before I leave every time because she always sees me painting my nails. Haha.

Recently, since Laura isn’t my daily nurse we haven’t gotten to hang out quite as much because she is always such a busy lady! I am still extremely glad that she is in my life. She is another one of those people that goes above and beyond to let you know that she cares. She also attended the CF Walk as a part of my team in May. Unfortunately it was supposed to rain, so she didn’t bring her dog. This is another piece of our lives that have bonded us. We both got dogs right around the same time. They are actually boyfriend/girlfriend (even though they don’t know it and still haven’t gotten the opportunity to meet. Haha.), and we exchange pictures of them all the time. Even though all of this painting nails and dog bonding is super fun, my absolute favorite part about Laura is that she is ALWAYS there for me. Even when I’m not in the hospital and I’ve wanted to talk about what’s going on in my life, she is always available. There have been a few occasions where I was scared or curious about medical things and I know that she is always there for me to talk to. Not only as someone who is knowledgeable about medical things, but also as a supportive friend.

I am so excited for you to be starting the next chapter of your life (even though that means moving several states away. BOO.), but I am excited to have a vacation spot now. 😉

I love you so much Laura!!!


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